Updated from feedback received
- Arrive prepared, apply your mind, do not be a passenger.
- Everybody has a voice. At some point, the whole world believed the earth was flat. A few people thought differently. So, one person seeing it differently to the rest does not automatically make the one person wrong.
- An opposing view is an inspiration to innovate, not a criticism.
- No defensive posturing.
- ERP, RPA and Digital Transformation programs are a team sport – it is something we are doing together – it is in all our best interests for this program to succeed – so – blame game is not productive.
- On time for meetings.
- Project meetings are an opportunity to collaborate for the benefit of the endeavour. People using laptops and other devices during a meeting and only paying attention when directly spoken to, detracts from this goal. So, no open laptops in meetings except.
- For the person taking minutes
- if specifically required for reporting or presentation purposes
- Understand, deeply, that failure is part of this process. Embrace it, learn from it.