Digital Transformation success requires an entrepreneurial company culture at all levels of leadership and management. Your team must wake up and be excited about the difference they are going to make today.
Leaders of today must embrace ideation and innovation as a day-to-day activity. The ideas box in the bathroom and the traditional annual strategy bush breakaway is outdated in today’s agile, customer centric world. Leaders must change the way they measure and reward their people and the way they structure their businesses. This is the only way that legacy thinking and legacy corporate behaviour will adapt to the challenges and opportunities presented by the fourth industrial revolution. It is almost as if the institutional knowledge, that has been a major asset to organisations with leaders and managers who have come through the ranks, is now that one thing holding back true innovation and corporate reinvention. It is this true innovation and corporate reinvention that will define those organisations who will thrive 5 to 10 years from now and those who will fade away. Embrace a strategic change agent and take your team on an exciting journey of reinvention.